Office of Human Resources
Midland's Superintendents' Agreement
"The school districts of Lexington, Richland, Calhoun, Fairfield, and Kershaw counties, and Ft. Stewart/Ft. Jackson schools have agreed that teachers under contract will be considered for release on April 15 and May 31 only if a suitable replacement can be found. All school districts of Lexington, Richland, Calhoun, Fairfield, and Kershaw counties and Ft. Stewart/Ft. Jackson schools have also agreed that no teacher can be interviewed or offered a contract if they are already under contract after May 31. Exceptions to this agreement include employees currently under contract that will received a promotion, i.e., teacher to administrator; administrative assistant to assistant principal; or assistant principal to principal; etc. In such cases the two superintendents of the affected districts will discuss such possibilities.
The Calhoun County School District is now accepting teaching applications for the 2023-2024 school year.

Ms. Frances T. Keller
Director of Human Resources
Mrs. Amy Williams
Human Resources Acct.
- HR Docments
- Midland's Superintendents' Agreement
- Schedule of Fees for Public Records
- Staff / Contact
- Websites
HR Documents
- Calhoun County Public Schools Organizational Chart
- 24-25 Salary Schedule BEGINS AUGUST 15th, 2024!
- South Carolina Law Enforcement Sex Offender Registry
- Title-IX-Complaint-Form
- Title IX Coordinator Certificate
- Title-IX-Decision Maker Certificate
- Title IX Investigator Certificate
- Volunteer application
Calhoun County School District does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policy.
The Director of Human Resources, Frances T. Keller, should be contacted for all non-student and/or employment-related issues at 803-655-7310 or at P.O. Box 215, St. Matthews, SC 29135. Email:
The Chief of Student Services and Accountability, Dr. Treda Keith-Nelson, should be contacted for all student issues, including those related to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, at 803-655-2624 or at P.O. Box 215, St. Matthews, SC 29135. Inquiries concerning non-discrimination can also be made to the United States Department of Education's Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Washington, DC.
All TITLE IX concerns will be addressed to Frances T. Keller, Human Resources Director, at 803-655-7310. TITLE IX forms are located under the document uploads. Email:
TITLE IX Training Links:
Schedule of Fees for Public Records
South Carolina Freedom of Information Act (§ 30-4-30(B))
A reasonable fee not to exceed the actual cost will be charged for the search, retrieval, and, when appropriate, redaction, of records produced in response to a request for public records under the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”). Additionally, copies will be charged at a cost not to exceed the prevailing commercial rate for the producing of copies. In certain cases, particularly FOIA requests in which a large number of records or confidential information is requested, a deposit not exceeding 25% of the total estimated fee will be required prior to commencing the retrieval and production of records.
Reasonable efforts will be made to produce records at the lowest possible cost, and the following fee schedule will apply:
- Copying costs will be charged at a commercially reasonable rate of $0.10 per page, and, the fee for non-standard size documents, such as architectural plans or property plats, will be individually determined at the time of copying based on actual copying cost.
- Search, retrieval, and redaction costs of records will be charged at the prorated hourly salary of the lowest paid employee who, in the reasonable discretion of the custodian of the records, has the necessary skill and training to perform the search, retrieval, and, if appropriate, redaction. Records requests involving specialized, technical, or confidential information, or otherwise requiring redaction, will in many cases require an employee with a higher salary to perform the search, retrieval, and/or redaction. The fee rate, accordingly, will vary based on the nature of the records requested, depending on the necessary skill and training level necessary. Employee time will be billed based on 1/4 hour increments.
The fee schedule may vary from time to time as salaries and commercially reasonable copying costs change.
Fees will not be charged for examination and review of documents to determine if the documents are subject to disclosure. Additionally, copying costs will not be charged for copies of records that are transmitted in electronic format, although if requested records are not already in electronic format, fees will be charged for staff time required to transfer the documents to electronic format.